Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Morning glory muffins

I simply got greedy and added too many ingredients- carrots, apples, coconut flakes. I should have stopped there, but no, I had to add blueberries too.I had too much batter and got tired of refilling my only muffin pan (holds 6), so I poured the rest into a loaf pan.

It was good, but too moist. Yes, there is such a thing as too moist. (Is there?), and I neglected it for other choice meats like this japanese pancake thingy with chestnuts and red bean paste inside. Ah, poor sad morning glory muffin. I ate up all the muffins, most of it, at least, 2 didn't survive the heavy weight of my books in my bag. The poor loaf muffin. It weeped and grew mold. I had to throw it out. Thankfully my roommate's mom had a slice of it. She said it was good. I am bad. :(

Onto the next bakefail: doughtnuts with rum cream inside. Stay tuned my non-existent readers!